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Acts 13:35 “In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ” The Bible tells us it is more blessed to give than to receive. There is excitement […]
Hi friends and partners,The word build means to construct, to increase, and to enlarge. There are several accounts from the Bible where God told someone to build. He told Adam and Eve to build a family, so that they could increase and enlarge their family. He told Noah to build an ark for the purpose […]
Hi ya’ll!  I want to call your attention to Sara in the bible.  She is one of only two women specifically  named in Hebrews chapter 11, commonly called the Hall of Faith.  Hopefully you know the story of Abraham and Sara.  They were past the childbearing age and had no natural children.  When God told Sara she would […]
I John 4:4  You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. Hi Ya’ll.  I think that as Christian’s  we are on assignment for the Lord.  Sometimes in the midst of the battles and trials your endurance […]
Hi ya’ll.  I started blogging because of my children book series, The Missionary Dog.  That expanded into me becoming the character Sergeant Sarah, who works along with the missionary dogs in the Lord’s Army.  If you are a Christian, you also are in the Lord’s Army.  I can’t seem to get away from military comparisons.  The thought of being […]
Hi ya’ll.  Recently I have had a song stuck in my head.  “I’ll Buy That Dream” by Dick Haymes and Helen Forrest in 1945.  The chorus is “It doesn’t sound bad and if it can be had, I’ll buy that dream.”  I know that our Father God has dreams for each us.  They are big […]
Hi Ya’ll.  This is the beginning of November,  a month filled with Thankfulness.  I am so thankful for all that the Lord is doing!   It’s so true that He knows the end from the beginning.  He was in my past working and preparing me for my future.  I had no idea for quite some […]
Hi Ya’ll.  As a part of my book series, The Missionary Dog,  I have been doing a lot of research on the Army.  In the story the missionary dogs are in the Lord’s Army and actually every Christian is the Lord’s Army.  It wasn’t until I actually started learning about the Army that I realized […]
Hi ya’ll.  I want to talk about Fireflies for a minute.  Does the mention of that word bring back fun childhood memories for you?  It does for me.  I remember warm summer nights with a glass jar.  I was running bare foot in the yard trying to catch some fireflies to put in my jar. […]
Hi Ya’ll.  Just last week I had an opportunity that I will never forget, I was able to donate a copy of my Christian children’s book (The Missionary Dog) to the local public Elementary school library.  That is so huge on so many levels and deserves a big hallelujah shout anytime I think about it!!  As […]